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What do you do with a racist client? Det är en intressant fråga som tas upp i ett inlägg på en blogg som skrivs av en man som presenterar sig så här:

My name is Robert Jago, I live in Yorkville in Toronto, where I am the head of an HR firm. I am a card carrying American Indian, educated in Vancouver and the Middle East, worked in Europe for several years.

Det är intressant och lärorikt att läsa hans bloggning och kommentarerna för att vet hur man tänker i andra länder – i detta fall i Kanada – när det gäller rasistiska uttalanden. Bloggskrivaren som själv är ”American Indian” verkar själv direkt ha tagit itu med anställda som uttryckt sig rasistiskt om andra människor vilket troligen är betydligt bättre än att reflexmässigt anmäla till DO eller liknande. Men hur ska han – och andra – som företagare bete sig när en stor och betydelsefull kund häver ur sig fördomsfullheter? Några kommentarer till bloggningen lyder:

1. Take his money, provide him great service and go to bed each night richer in your pocket and the knowledge that you’re a better person than him. Or, fire him as a client.

2. You are not your ‘brother’s keeper’. As despicable as racism is, as insulting as your customer was, you are not responsible for setting him/her straight with respect to their opinions. Trying to change these opinions, or to educate this customer, would be very inappropriate. However, you can (and should) demand a certain level of professional behaviour which does not include racial slurs.

3. Forgive the man, take a few deep breaths, let it go… unless it becomes a trend. Then, if you really can’t handle it, either dismiss his business, or discuss your heritage, and your feelings in a calm, mature manner… Good luck!

4. If it were me, I would turn down the client and walk away. No amount of money or business ventures are worth it. By doing business you are saying it’s ok.

5. You probably did the right thing by ignoring and ending the meeting. Even if others were present, his behavior in no way reflects on you. Just feel good about collecting his money and feel sorry for his relatives.

Som sagt: intressant att ta del av andras åsikter, synpunkter, tyckanden och tänkanden!