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Helsingfors biträdande polischef Ilkka Koskimäki håller fast vid sin ståndpunkt om att Finland drabbats av en ny typ av sexualbrott. FNB intervjuade honom på lördagen om hans uttalanden i The Telegraph.

I den brittiska tidningen sade Ilkka Koskimäki att sexualbrott i parker och på gator var okända i Finland innan 32.000 asylsökande anlände till landet i fjol.
– Vi har ett fenomen med sådana här fall av ofredande. Det är helt nytt hos oss. Det är det jag sagt på finska och på engelska.

Finländska medier serie grön




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Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report. Finnish police ’tipped off’ about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women.

Asylum seekers who met in central Helsinki to celebrate New Years’s Eve “had similar plans” to commit sexual assault and other crimes as those who targeted women in the Germany city of Cologne, Finnish Police have reported.

Three Iraqi asylum seekers have been arrested for committing sexual assaults during the celebrations in the city’s Senate Square, where some 20.000 had gathered.
The police had received tip-offs from staff at the asylum reception centres.

– Our information from these reception centres were that disturbances or other crimes would happen in the city centre. We were prepared for fights and sexual harrassment and thefts, the deputy chief of police in Helsinki, Ilkka Koskimäki, told the Telegraph.

He said that police had established a “very massive presence” to control the estimated 1.000 Iraqi asylum seekers who had gathered in the tunnels surrounding the central railway station by 11 pm, many of whom appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Mr Koskimäki said that sexual assaults in parks and on the streets had been unknown in Finland before a record 32,000 asylum seekers arrived in 2015, making the 14 cases last year “big news in the city”.

Kommentar: Detta kommer med största sannolikhet att få konsekvenser för asylprocessen också i Finland (som i Tyskland) för dem som deltagit i den här typen av vidriga illdåd som måste stoppas omedelbart så att beteendet inte får fäste i våra länder (Tyskland och Finland).

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