Klicka på bildrutan för att lyssna på den del av CNN-intervjun med utrikesminister Ann Linde som Expressen TV återger.
Skam går på torra land! Det har skam gjort länge. Här manifesteras denna skam genom uttalanden av den person som är Sveriges utrikesminister, Ann Linde, i en intervju med CNN:
We believe that our strategies are still working. We have the same goals as most other countries and that is to save lives and to get the health care system to work even though it’s very, very tough for all those working there. But what we have not been able to succeed is in the elderly care. And the average person who dies is 81 years old and we have 90 % of the death is among the elderly. Unfortunately. And we are trying to do our best. But otherwise I think that our strategy has been working, it’s a long term strategy. It depends on the social distancing and the Public Health also for many years to come.
Hala Gorani, programledare, CNN:
But when you say it’s working, it’s still about ten times the death rate of Norway. I mean that has to be, for you, not a successful outcome, after all?
Ann Linde:
Well, I think you cannot actually look into two countries and say that this is the comparison because you can take any other country and see the death tolls vary. We think that we have higher death tolls because of different reasons. For example unfortunately just when the pandemic broke out we had spring break in Sweden, meaning that more than 20.000 people went to Italy and Spain and Belgium and other countries when they didn’t know that there was the virus. And then they came back to Sweden. We also know that even if we have legal binding measures in our elderly care centre, we haven’t managed to keep the virus out of the elderly home and nursery home and that’s where we have not succeeded.
Kommentar: Inte ett ord om att plan från Iran inte hindrades från att landa i Sverige trots att man mycket väl kände till att coronaviruset härjade som värst just i Iran. Inte ett ord om att hundratals asylinvandrade med familjer hade reste till Iran just under denna tid, kom tillbaka till Sverige och vandrade rakt ut i samhället utan något som helst krav på karantän. En del gick kanske rent av direkt till jobb i hemtjänsten och på äldreboenden.
Reflektion: Utrikesministerns svar har återgetts ordagrant. Hennes engelska är mycket dålig. Faktiskt rent urusel. Och det är inte en överdrift.
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