image2002Den 3 november 2006 skrev jag om det otroliga lyxbröllopet mellan Thandar Shwe, dotter till Burmas juntaledare Than Shwe och armémajoren Zaw Phyo Win. Jag lade också ut länken till den 10 minuter långa videofilmen på Youtube som visade en vräkighet och en lyx som nästan inte går att föreställa sig. Här är länken på nytt.

Radio Free Asia rapporterar kontinuerligt, just nu, den 28 september kl 10.35 är toppnyheten:
Ordinary Burmese fought back Friday against a military crackdown on weeks of monk-led anti-government protests, with crowds attacking troops and police with stones, knives, and insults, eyewitnesses said.

"Today, people have really exploded", said one witness. "There are so many gunshots. While I’m talking to you, there have been no fewer than five people shot and killed on the street."

Irrawaddy logoIrrawaddys* sajt är rubriken just nu (kl 10.35): BURMA ERUPTS: KILLING FIELD.

*The Irrawaddy is published by the Irrawaddy Publishing Group (IPG). IPG was established in 1992 by Burmese citizens living in exile and is not affiliated with any political party or organization. The Irrawaddy seeks to promote press freedom and access to unbiased information.