De här texterna har lästs av ganska många den senaste tiden nästan sju år efter att de skrevs. Detta sedan jag själv påmindes om dem och länkade till min Medium-sida i sociala medier. De 18 texterna är från tiden juni – september 2014 och skrevs alltså före den stora migrantkrisen 2015. En del av dem är faktiskt ganska läsvärda även idag, En hel del av det jag skrev om då mals och stöts och blöts fortfarande i Sverige.
Jag kanske borde skriva mer på engelska igen…
Här kan man läsa texterna:
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 1 – 14 juni 2014. Ur texten:
A concerned citizen tells of a “asylum accommodation from hell”:
“At an information meeting with the Swedish Migration Board in our little village with a population of 800 people, we were told that we will have to accept to take in between 50 and 100 new asylum seekers, totalling a number of asylum seekers between 200 and 400, including those who have arrived earlier. A comparison shows that it would be as if the city of Stockholm, at short notice and with no time for preparations and no resources, would receive between 20,625 and 165,000 asylum seekers.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 2 – 15 juni 2014. Ur texten:
So if “everyone thinks” that an asylum seeking young man is a child, does that mean that the Migration Board, a government authority, should make its decision in his asylum case based on that thinking/guessing and not on the basis of the requirements of the Aliens Act? Well, according to the Swedish Aliens Act the decision whether a person should be granted asylum or protection in Sweden should be based on as much evidence and correct information as possible, not on peoples’ guesses or, as in this particular case: on how old “everyone thinks” that someone is. If what “everyone thinks” will be allowed to govern immigration — and perhaps other areas of society? — then the country becomes a lawless anarchy.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 3 – 16 juni 2014. Ur texten:
While ministers and other high ranking politicians in many other countries worry about islamists (fundamentalists, radical muslims), the Swedish Minister of Integration busies himself with “fighting islamophobia”.
At the same time Swedish award winning journalist Per Gudmundson (editorial page of daily morning paper Svenska Dagbladet) is informing — and has been, for many years — about the danger of islamist movements in Sweden and from Sweden, on his blog. However, it seems that he is never called as an expert or even listened to by the government or parliamentarians.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 4 – 17 juni 2014. Ur texten:
Sveriges Radio (Swedish Broadcasting) 12 June 2014: Därför blir asylsökande kvar trots utvisningsbeslut (This is why asylum seekers remain in the country even if get negative decisions).
Comment: Nobody in Sweden knows how many illegal immigrants there are in the country, who they are or why they are here.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 5 – 20 juni 2014. Ur texten:
In 2013, Sweden (population 9.5 million) granted asylum or gave residence permits to 26.395 asylum seekers. That is the highest number in all EU. Germany (population 82 million) came second with 26.080 asylum seekers being granted asylum or residence permits in the country.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 6 – 20 juni 2014. Ur texten:
An official of Migrationsverket (Migration Board) in the south of Sweden reports from an authentic asylum interview with a Syrian family that has just arrived in Sweden. This interview was conducted before Sweden decided to grant ALL who claim that they are Syrians who are coming directly from Syria, permanent residence permits.Their questions:
- Can you tell us how to proceed in order to hide our money and possessions from the Swedish authorities?
- How fast can we travel back and still maintain our temporary residence permits? And when we go back to Syria, will Sweden then ensure our safety there?
- How do we get money from the Swedish state to start a business here?
- Will Sweden give us money for the cost of smuggling us here; it was very expensive? Since it is written in all newspapers in Syria that Sweden welcomes Syrian refugees, Sweden should also pay the costs of smuggling trips for us who come to this country!
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 7 – 22 juni 2014. Ur texten:
This year Sweden will provide protection to more refugees than the authorities have estimated. The forecast was 61,000 asylum seekers — the Migration Board now estimates that 70,000 to 80,000 will seek asylum. The figure may become even higher: the violent developments in Iraq creates uncertainty.
Note: there are no houses and apartments available in Sweden for all the people who arrive… More than 12,000 people are still in camps even after they have been granted residence permits, and new people are arriving at an alarming pace.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 9 – 27 juni 2014. Kort ur texten:
A Senior filial at the Migration Biard:
Never before has it been as easy to get a residence permit and refugee status in Sweden based on lies, as it is today!
If you speak Arabic, have bought a fake Syrian identity card and if you have bought a good fake asylum story, you are almost with certainty accepted and granted permission to stay. Permananently. The asylum seeker — more often than not — meets a stressed out and inexperineced asylum investigator. He or she lacks time and knowledge to make more than a quick and superficial investigation. The asylum seekers knw this and if they can just sound believeable and show their fake papers , then a permanent residence is well within reach in a few weeks or, at the most, a few months. Right after the investigation the administrator is told by his or her team leader to quickly make a decision.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 10 – 2 juli 2014. Ur texten:
Now the Minister wants to extend those 60 forced days of maternity/paternity leave to 90! Still with no chance for families to make their own decisions on what is the best and most suitable way for them to share the days of staying home with their baby. And if one of the parents just simply cannot leave his or her job/business for 90 days, then the child looses the chance of spending that time with the other parent. The Minister says:
I’m pushing for a third month, even though I’m convinced that a large part of the population may oppose it.
Columnist Marika Formgren wrote in the local newspaper Barometern (headline: Folkfostrarpartiet, which means something like “the party that wants to be a parent to the people”):
People do not know their own good, and the knight in shining armour, Ms Arnholm, sees herself as the hero who will slay the dragon, by running over the ignorant people.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 11 – 24 juli 2014. Ur texten:
Another example — there are hundreds! — is how the politicians bicker among themselves about the educational system and how the government in office at a given time takes the opportunity to make changes and dictate to the schools through all kinds of new rules and regulations, how they should function. In other democratic countries the schools are more or less sovereign and the systems are not changed by — often — ignorant people who happen to have a seat in the government at a particular time.
Also the requirements for “qualifying” as a teacher is far lower than in the other Nordic countries, especially compared to Finland. In Sweden even people of foreign background, who do not speak Swedish correctly, can become teachers in — Swedish!
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 12 – 16 juli 2014. Kort ur texten:
Sweden is not the paradise that so many people around the world still think that it is! On the contrary. And Sweden is deviating more and more from its neighbouring Nordic countries and from the other EU-countries. On so many levels and in so many ways.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 13 – 29 juli 2014. Ur texten:
Sweden has a population of 9,6 million. According to Wikipedia and other sources, around 27 % or 2,000,000 inhabitants of Sweden had a full or partially foreign background in 2011.
But that is not enough for the Swedish government and parliament who seem intent on changing Sweden into an even more multicultural country, not only at the expense of its own people but also at the expense of all the people coming here and never integrating. Or, as they say in Sweden (and do not argue against it or you will be marked “racist”!): “Everyone who lives in this country is a Swede. There is no such thing as an ethnic, Swedish people and there is no such thing as a Swedish culture”. Among all the so called “politically correct” people that give voice to this astonishing opinion is the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Fredrik Reinfeldt:
Ursvenskt är bara barbariet. Resten av utvecklingen har kommit utifrån.
(Translation: The only thing that is purely Swedish is barbarism. The rest of the development has come from outside.)
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 14 – 3 augusti 2014. Ur texten:
In a press release from
the Swedish government,
the Minister for Integration,
Mr Erik Ullenhag, informs of
the following:Discarding of the concept of race (Utmönstring av begreppet ras)
The government has instructed Senior Judge Erica Hemtke to investigate whether it is possible to remove the term race, use of people, in various laws and possibly replace it with another expression. The word race is present in more than 20 Swedish regulations.
– The concept of race is outdated and based on the idea that there are different human races. There is no scientific basis to talk about this. Swedish laws should reflect contemporary values and approaches, says Minister for Integration Erik Ullenhag.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 15 – 19 augusti 2014. Ur texten:
the Prime Minister of Sweden, Fredrik Reinfeldt, told the people that as a result of the extreme influx of asylum seekers to the country, he will not make any promises of any kind of improvements and/or reforms at all for the coming four years, since it will cost too much to receive all the people seeking asylum in the small country of Sweden (population: less than ten million). His message to the people was that they should not expect any social improvements at all, but that they will have to continue working and paying among the highest taxes in the world since the money is needed for up to 100.000 asylum processes, living arrangements for the asylum seekers, daily allowances for all of them, finding and paying for housing after they get residence permits, social welfare for all of them, schooling, health care etc. He started by pleading:
I ask the Swedish people to be patient and to open their hearts to the vulnerable people that we see around the world. When many are fleeing in a short period of time, it creates tension in the Swedish society. But we have learned that people who come here will help us to build Sweden together with us.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 16 – 2 september 2014. Ur texten:
Sweden receives more than three times the amount of asylum seekers than its neighboring countries Denmark, Norway and Finland together! During the period January — July 2014, Sweden alone received approx 41.000 asylum seekers while Norway received just over 6.000, Denmark 5.000 and Finland 1.750. During the same period of time Sweden alone granted over 19.000 permanent residence permits to asylum seekers while Norway granted 2.400, Denmark 2.250 and Finland 800.
Why the big differences? There are several reasons, one of them being that Sweden, as the only country in the world, gives permanent residence permits to people from Syria and — in some instances because there is very little time to investigate each case properly — even to people who just say that they come from Syria and who may already hold permits in other EU-countries.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 17 – 3 september 2014. Ur texten:
Excerpt from an article published in Newsweek on 13 August 2014:
I realise two things – first, that only relatively well-off Syrians can afford the thousands of euros in smuggling costs and fake documents to get to Europe, and second, that there is an entrenched hierarchy of target destinations. The original Europe-bound trail-blazers three years ago conducted careful online research of the relative asylum and family reunification policies of each EU country and chose their final destination accordingly. The list has, at this point, become legend among the huge network of Syrians streaming westwards and the rough order is as follows: Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria, followed by more distant countries like the UK or less economically attractive or hospitable countries like Spain and Italy.
The Syrians I speak to are particularly evangelical about Sweden, because of the citizenship granted after a few years of residence, and the free education there.
• Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower # 18 – 14 september 2014. Ur texten:
When I spoke to a couple of policemen, they all said that they find it shocking that this is what it looks like in Sweden in an election campaign. And they also said that it is not only when the Sverigedemokraterna speak that the atmosphere becomes hateful, eggs and cakes as well as stones and acid is being thrown at police and their horses as well as at the politicians and sometimes even the public, and that police protection is needed. One policeman sighed and said that the cost for this particular police operation (“several million kronor of the tax payers’ money”), for just a few hours on a sunny Saturday in September, comprising hundreds of police officers in addition to the regular police force just because a political leader of a parliamentary party in a democratic country will deliver a speech, is just terrible.
Kommentar: Jag påminns själv, genom de här texterna, om hur illa det varit ställt i Sverige under lång tid och om att det inte har blivit bättre under de sju år som gått sedan jag skrev dem. Tvärtom.