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Afghanistan är nu det land som tar in flest afghanska migranter
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There is one country in the world that is now taking in more Afghan migrants than all the countries in Europe and South Asia put together this year. That would be Afghanistan itself.
This year Norway has sent back 442 Afghans, more than half of them forcibly, while Germany has returned 2,900 Afghans, nearly all voluntarily. Early in October, the European Union signed an agreement with Afghanistan to return Afghans whose asylum appeals are rejected — most likely resulting in tens of thousands of repatriations. Known as the Joint Way Forward declaration, which critics say Europe made a condition of continued development assistance to Afghanistan, it even provides for building a dedicated airport terminal in Kabul to handle the expected repatriations.
Almost none of the Afghans leaving Pakistan are doing so of any belief that Afghanistan is now safer to live in. Official pressure and discrimination are the most common reasons given.
“There are more than a million people on the move,” Ms. Maya Ameratunga, the Afghanistan director for UNHCR, said. “And this is happening at a time when winter can be a life-or-death challenge, and when donor fatigue is stretched with all the disasters happening all over the world.”