I en intressant artikel i Helsingin Sanomat International Edition skriver Paavo Rautio om den alarmerande snabbt åldrande populationen i Europa och hur de europeiska ledarna försöker tackla detta problem, bland annat genom "frågesporter".
Paavo Rautio berättar hur det är i Holland:
"A would-be immigrant is obliged to watch a DVD on Dutch culture and history. It contains for instance a scene where two gay men are holding hands, and another where a topless woman is shown sunbathing. It is not hard to reach the conclusion that the principle is specifically to tell Muslims that this sort of thing is to be tolerated within Dutch society."
Och han berättar hur det är i Tyskland, där dessa frågor ingår i deras test av dem som vill bli tyskar:
"What does the abbreviation DDR stand for? What happened on November 9th, 1938? [Kristallnacht] What is meant by the right of existence of the Israeli State? Name the major works by Goethe and Schiller. "
Om Finland skriver han:
"Finland has shown no great interest in arranging quiz-shows, since they are regarded as a populist way to go. Instead, those who arrive in Finland and want to receive grants and aid for their living, must take part in an acclimatisation programme, learning the Finnish language and culture. Arguably the Finns have a point: doing well in a multiple-choice test is no guarantee of anything."
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