© Vid citat: ANGE KÄLLAN!
Jag kan idag (2 april) berätta att ett brev från EU-parlamentarikern, baronessan Sarah Ludford, som är taleskvinna för ”Liberal Democrat European Justice & Human Rights”, har haft kontakt med Sveriges EU-minister Cecilia Malmström gällande Adil Hakimjan och påtryckningarna från Kina på de regeringar (bland dem den svenska) som gäller uigurer från Guantánamo som sökt asyl. I sitt mejl till Adils advokat, Sten De Geer, berättar hon att hon haft ett bra samtal med Sveriges EU-minister, Cecilia Malmström och då tagit upp Adils ärende. Hon har också skrivit ett formellt brev till ministern. I det brevet skriver Sarah Ludford bland annat:
You may be aware that the Swedish Migration Board turned down Mr Hakimjan’s application for a residence permit, I believe broadly on the grounds that he already had asylum in Albania. On 18th February 2009 the Migration Court overruled that decision on the basis, inter alia, of the family relationship and the fact that his residence in Albania was involuntary. An appeal by the Migration Board is pending.
It is rumoured that pressure is being exerted by the Chinese government to seek to persuade Western authorities not to grant refuge to other Uighurs being released from Guantanamo, for example mention is made of Canada. I appreciate that the refugee determination process in Sweden is independent of government and I am sure I can rely on you and your government to ensure that it remains shielded from such political pressure.
Här finns hela brevet från Sarah Ludford.